What are 18650 and 21700 Battery used for?

What are 18650 and 21700 Battery used for?

Different appliances and products have different requirements of current, energy, volume and weight efficiency. There are variations in the performance of 18650 and 21700 Batteries depending on the build quality.There is a high degree of customization and both these batteries have been developed in high-performance battery packs for cutting edge tools, appliances and vehicles.

Applications of 18650 Lithium-ion Battery: 18650 Batteries are commonly used in Laptops, Electronic devices, UAVs, Flashlights and in electronic-cigarettes (Vaping). Some electric cars also use 18650 Lithium-ion battery pack.

Applications of 21700 Lithium-ion Battery: 21700 Batteries are also used in Flashlights, electric bikes, cars, electronic-cigarettes, surfboard, power tools, electric wheel chairs, Golf-carts, etc.

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